Thursday, 7 July 2011

Bad Credit Card

Bad Credit Card, this are cards given to individual who has Bad Credit History, meaning they don't comply with the terms and condition given by the bank upon getting their previous credit card. This is a given chance to those who has bad credit history to build up again the trust of their previous credit card provider, and to allow them to get the usual credit card. Bad Credit Cards has low credit limit, knowing that someone has bad credit history, why would they give high credit limit when they can't afford to pay it. Right? This will be given to you provided that you must conform with the terms and conditions, and the most important, you must pay it promptly. Having a bad credit card will help you to become responsible and be reliable in terms of financial aspects. Not all credit card provider issues bad credit card, it may depend to the bank.


  1. Which bank provides this? And may I know how to check my current credit score?


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